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• 5.19 • 5.3 • 5.8


Each row of the voice_recordings table contains data related to voice recordings, including recording storage location as well as erased recordings information. Note that there can be multiple voice recordings related to a single interaction.

Note that in Bright Pattern Contact Center software version 3x, the call_detail table contained field caller_recording_url and field callee_recording_url. The data these fields contained now can be found in the interaction_id field and rec_url fields of this table.

Description of Data

The following table offers the name (i.e., ID), data type (e.g., BIGINT, BINARY, BIT, DATETIME, ENUM, INT, VARCHAR, etc.), and description for each metric (i.e., column) of the voice_recordings table.

Note that for time-related metrics, the time is given in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

Column Name Data Type Description
id BINARY (16) Primary key
interaction_id BINARY (16) The ID of the interaction associated with the voice recording
start_time DATETIME The start of the particular segment of a voice recording; this is what rec_url points to
end_time DATETIME The end of the particular segment of a voice recording; this is what rec_url points to
rec_url VARCHAR The URL for the specific voice recording, which is composed of the folder, date, and ID
rec_server_id BINARY (16) The ID of the server where the voice recording is stored
encryption_key_id BINARY (16) The encryption key ID for the voice recording, if encryption is enabled for screen recordings. For more information, see the Contact Center Administrator Guide, section Encryption Key Management
s3_rec_url VARCHAR The URL of the voice recording if voice recordings are stored using Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3
s3_bucket VARCHAR The URL for the Amazon S3 bucket; this is where the S3 voice recordings are stored
erase_time DATETIME The time the voice recording was erased
erase_login_id VARCHAR The login ID of the user who erased the recording
erase_reason LONGTEXT The reason the voice recording was erased, as given by the user who erased the recording
start_reason ENUM If a voice recording is started, this field returns one of the following reasons:
  • CONFIGURATION - The voice recording started based on the configured settings (i.e., user, service, or recording-related settings in section Call Recording and Monitoring.)
  • NONE - The reason is unknown.
  • (BAN - The recording is started because the scenario variable $(banVoiceRecording) is set to false
  • DO_NOT_RECORD - The recording is started because the scenario variable $(doNotRecord) is set to false.
  • API - The recording was started from an agent desktop (either manually by an agent or via a desktop API). .
  • INTERNAL - The recording was started as a result of a transfer or conference.
  • RTP_CHANGED - The voice recording started because the call moved to a different RTP Processor.
stop_reason ENUM If a voice recording is stopped, this field returns one of the following reasons:

CONFIGURATION - The voice recording stopped based on the configured settings (i.e., user, service, or recording-related settings in section Call Recording and Monitoring.

  • NONE - The reason is unknown.
  • BAN - The $(banVoiceRecording) scenario variable was set and the voice recording was disabled.
  • DO_NOT_RECORD - The $(doNotRecord) scenario variable was set and voice recording was disabled.
  • API - The recording was stopped from an agent desktop (i.e., either manually by an agent or via a desktop API).
  • INTERNAL - The recording was ended after a transfer, because the call disconnected, or the scenario ended.
  • RTP_CHANGED - The voice recording stopped because the call moved to a different RTP Processor.
  • RTP_ERROR - The voice recording stopped due to a failure. The type of failure is reported in the error field.

NOTE: Records of recordings that may have been erased after the interaction was completed are not affected by the fact of erasure. Instead, this fact is reflected in field erased_voice_recording of the record of the given call in the call_detail table and the details of erasure are recorded in the erase_ fields of this table.

error INT If a voice recording error occurs (on a primary RTP Processor), this field returns a number that indicates the error type. The errors are as follows:
  • 0 - There was no error of any kind in this recording segment (i.e., stop_reason is not RTP_ERROR).
  • 1 - Reserved for future use
  • 2 - The voice recording was not made because the file folder has the wrong write permissions.
  • 3 - The voice recording was not made because the disk is out of space.
  • 5 - The voice recording was not made because the number or recordings exceeded the limit for maximum concurrent recordings that may have been set by the service provider.
  • 6 - If Disaster-Protected Recordings (i.e., redundant) recording is available for your contact center, connection to the redundant host is lost.
  • 7 - Disaster-Protected Recordings (i.e., redundant) recording is not available for your contact center.
  • 8 - Disaster-Protected Recordings (i.e., redundant) recording is not configured properly for your contact center.
  • 9 - The voice recording was not made due to an encryption key error.
  • 10 - The voice recording was not made due to an invalid voice payload type.
  • 503 - Connection to the host responsible for recording is down.
fallback_error INT The list of the possible values is the same as above (the one for “error” field)
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